We feel really excited about this next year as a church family. And as we have been seeking God for where he might be leading us, its one word that we kept being drawn to, and its a word that is used 1500 times in the Bible, depending what translation you use!
And it’s the word ‘behold’. Derived from the greek word eido, its translation is be sure to see, don’t miss this, look! See! Pay attention! In Gods word, its often got the exclamation alongside it. Its like a wake up call, let me give you a shake kind of moment. What if as a church, we had a ‘behold’ kind of year? You can listen to the Vision Talk we shared on the 10th March here.
We want to share 3 behold moments and some plans we have as a church into the next 12 months.

ALPHA: to sign up to help at Alpha, please wait until the next Life group sign up. The Alpha course will be on Monday evenings, launching Monday 29th April at Raigmore Community Centre
RISE: we need team for our breakfast drop in relaunch on the last Sundays of the month! We aim to start on the 28th April, with the drop in running 10.30 until 11.30am. To help on team click here and complete the form.
KIDS/ TOTS TEAM: If you can sign up even once a term to serve on Kids and Tots click here
BLESS THE DUNCAN FAMILY: If you can bless the Duncan family with accomodation for Calum or want to bless them finanically as they join us on the adventure please email us on hello@invernessvineyard.co.uk and we can connect the dots
PRAYER: Please join us as we priortise praying for a building on the first Sunday evening of every month 8-9pm. Check notices for venue . Email us on hello@invernessvineyard.co.uk if you have a sense of God speaking.
GIVE: We anticipate with everything planned we need an increase of approximitely £500/month + gift aid to our general giving to keep doing what we are doing over the course of the year. To give, please click here or pick up a direct debit ammendment form at the welcome desk on Sundays.