We’re so thankful for the generosity of those who give to Inverness Vineyard Church, providing us with the resources to carry out our ministry and work in our communities, to be sharing Jesus with the region and beyond, spreading hope and love in practical, powerful ways

We have committed to giving 15% of our church income away. You can read more about who we give to here.

The  majority of our giving is managed by CAF bank (Charities Aid Foundation) who will process your donation, and reclaim the gift aid (if applicable) on our behalf for a small fee. This is a great support as we get things off the ground.  You can set up a one off gift or regular donation below:

You can also give on Sundays at our services by cash or cheque. If you would like to let us know who the gift is from or you are a UK tax payer you can pick up a gift aid form which will allow us to claim gift aid on your giving where possible.

Cheques are made payable to Inverness Vineyard Church.

If you would rather pay direct into our account via Bank Transfer, our details are below (please remember to get a Gift aid form if eligible)

Sort Code: 83-91-46

Account Number: 20400957

Our offering is taken up during all our Sunday services, we have a basket which is passed around during worship. If you call Inverness Vineyard your home, we would love you to consider before Jesus your giving to the church. And if you are visiting and have come prepared to give, we thank you for your generosity!