July for our church looks a wee bit different as we give our serving teams a well deserved rest for a few weeks. We still have a lot of different things happening to connect through the month. The heart of these spaces is for friendships to be grown, new connections to be made and a place of fun and joy. We hope to see you through the month.
Sunday 2nd July: Giveaway to bless the city! Meeting at the church office at 11am. Sign up here.
Followed by a ‘Bring and Share’ lunch at George and Emma’s house. Sign up here
Thursday 6th July: Night of Worship 7.30pm at the Bike Shed – Join us for some coffee together and a time of worship together.
Sunday 9th July: Litter Pick at Raigmore, followed by a picnic at the park – meeting at Raigmore Community Centre at 11am. Sign up here
Thursday 13th July: Night of Worship 7.30pm at the Bike Shed – Join us for some coffee together and a time of worship together.
Sunday 16th July: A walk at 11.30am followed by a bring and share lunch at Sue and Tyrone’s. Sign up here.
Thursday 20th July: Night of Worship 7.30pm at the Bike Shed – Join us for some coffee together and a time of worship together.
Sunday 23rd July: Usual Sunday morning worship gathering at Millburn Academy at 10.30am.
Followed with a bring and share lunch at Pete and Nikki’s – sign up here
Thursday 27th July: Night of Worship 7.30pm at the Bike Shed – Join us for some coffee together and a time of worship together.
Sunday 30th July: A bring and share lunch at Thomas and Mhairis house. Sign up here.